
Blog (index.twig)

My Experience Working at Bernard Nickels & Associates

The first day I came into work at BNA, I had no idea what to expect. Coming from a
background as a camp counselor, I was inexperienced working in an office setting. While I was
fairly confident in my abilities to do whatever was asked of me, I was slightly nervous. This… Read More

The Importance of Phone Conversation

The rapid development of technology in the last quarter century has lead the world to be come more interconnected than ever before. From the palm of your hand you can send a message to a friend across the world, or see what your favorite celebrity had for lunch. In today’s… Read More

What Makes a Good Intern?

In order to be a good intern, you have to first acknowledge why you are there. Is it to
bolster your resume? Are you doing it for the experience? Do you want to keep busy over the
summer? Money? There is nothing wrong with using a good internship to boost your resume,… Read More

How Technology Can Help You Find the Right Job

The job application process has changed rapidly over the last few years. Technology and social media have completely altered the employment landscape. In today’s ever connected world, you can search for and apply to thousands of jobs from the palm of your hand. There is a lot of information out… Read More

Why You Shouldn’t Stop Your Job Search During the Summer

Conventional Wisdom holds job seekers should wait until the fall to begin their job search. It is commonly assumed summer is a bad time to search for jobs, as companies often work at a slower pace due to more vacations and nice weather. Due to the relaxed nature of… Read More

Job Search Advice For College Grads

Looking for a job after college produces a special kind of anxiety for many soon to be grads. For some, graduation is an exciting new beginning and the official start of adulthood. However, for many others it can be a time of great uncertainty and anxiety. We’ve all been… Read More

Does Loyalty Pay?

Once upon a time it was not considered smart to be moving from job to job each year but in this market, it may actually be beneficial to get a taste of different jobs to broaden a skill set to remain relevant to employers. It is critical to remain… Read More

Avoiding Job Search Burnout

Not only can interviewing for potential jobs be a lengthy process, but it is a tiring one, too. Even though we have come out of the recession and there are increasingly more jobs available, particularly in the IT field, any job hunt has its share of ups and downs… Read More